Partnership for Progress is a Federal Reserve System program created to preserve and promote minority-owned institutions and enhance their ability to thrive in an increasingly competitive banking environment.
Supporting minority-owned institutions is fundamental to the Federal Reserve's mission to provide a safe, sound, and
accessible banking system that protects consumers and promotes competition. Learn more about the Partnership for
Progress program and read a
press release from the
Board of Governors.
a Bank
Shareholder Value
The online materials presented above focus on three distinct areas of financial institution development. Topics relative to de novo institutions are covered in sections one and two. The three sections provide information, guidance, and links to additional topic-specific resources. For assistance, contact your Reserve Bank District coordinator.
Asset/Liability Management
Committee • Bank
Holding Companies • Board of
Directors —
Profile and Core Characteristics • Consumer Compliance Risk
Management • Core
Characteristics of a Management Team • Enforcement Actions •
Market Competition/Feasibility
Study • Market
Expansion • Mergers
and Acquisitions • New Product